- Brian Kirk
- 27283 Votes
- year - 2019
- 21 Bridges is a movie starring Chadwick Boseman, Sienna Miller, and J.K. Simmons. An embattled NYPD detective is thrust into a citywide manhunt for a pair of cop killers after uncovering a massive and unexpected conspiracy
- Genres - Crime
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I was hoping this was going to be a decent cop-thriller movie due to the reviews and rating. Oh, I was wrong. The amount of cheesy-heroic camera shots and lines were too much for me. It doesn't feel real. You could also pretty much predict what's going to happen, who is the bad guys and the ending. I give it 4 stars due that it wasn't unwatchable, the scenery and camerawork was quite good and the fight scenes were decent, but I wouldn't watch it again.
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Well folks, you can at anytime make room to go and see this movie. It is really good, from all the points of view. directorship, acting, script. The cinematography was a bit to dark, yes i understand, that's the script, otherwise the whole movie was to cost way over this small 33mil.
And that's the merit of everyone in making this movie : whit such a small budget, a such a really good movie. Not perfect, but not bad at all. Money well spend.
21 bridges 2019 google drive mp4 torrent. First Chadwick Boseman movie I've seen since Black Panther. This started out a bit boring but the story improved as it unfolded. Great cast and Chadwick Boseman was excellent, not a bad movie of late. I'd recommend it. 21 Bridges [2019] Google Drive mp4 to mp3. 21 bridges 2019 google drive mp4 file.
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